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Afternoon all


Just been investigating a funny noise from the nearside of my car (2000 dedion) It seems that the wheel bearing is shot. Excessive play in both planes, ie top to bottom, front to rear. Also noticed that if I hold the main hub nut still with a pair of grips, the hub assembly and disk has movement as well.


Question is what to do? Have I diagnosed correctly, and if so how do I go about taking it all apart? Assume will need to get hold of a 41mm socket, is it left or right handed? Also how to go about breaking 200lb of torque? Any advice?


Look forward to pearls of wisdom, need to go for a blat!




edited to say, have searched the forum, but cant figure out where to start *confused*



Edited by - airhog on 21 Jun 2006 13:52:40




I'm happy to help you do it if you can bring it to Reading, I have 41mm socket etc, assuming it is just the bearing (rare!) it's probably one to two hours max job.

Basically to do the job


Loosen the 41mm nut if you can before removing road wheel, then remove road wheel, undo the top half of caliper and move to one side being careful not to bend/kink brake line. Undo the 4 bolts/ nuts holding ear to dedion tube and withdraw the whole driveshaft/ hub assembley. Undo the 2 x 17mm nuts (don't lose the spacers) holding the other half of the brake caliper and then undo the 41mm nut and withdraw the brake disk and hub. Undo the two remaining bolts holding the hub to the ear.


lever out the old seals and remove the roller bearings, you then need to drift out the old bearings.


refitting is reverse order, use plenty of grease in new bearings but don't over pack


N/S is L/H thread, ideally you should source a new nut too




Big socket and a 2 foot breaker bar from Halfords. Stand on it if necessary. You'll need handbrake and on and someone pressing the foot brake and chocks under the wheels to stop the car moving 😬


Left hand thread on the left of the car normal right hand thread on the right.



Not forgetting Percy the Polar Bear




What stars you are 😬 Big thanks to you Mark, thats a very kind offer indeed. Not had this one for long, and am not the worlds best mechanic but like to have a go where I can. It's people like you and your offer to help others that really reaffirms your faith in people, not to mention other se7eners *thumbup*


Anyway, being at a loose end have been and aquired myself said 41mm socket, and would you belive it, the bloody thing was loose enough to undo just using a wheelbrace on a nut with the car up on stands. I guess it can only of been finger tight *eek* *eek* *eek*


Now, I will of course torque it up to 200lb (correct *confused*) Has any damage been done, should I be checking anything else?


Hopefully this will bring it to an end, but am worried other things could of come loose. Does anyone have an idiots guide to routine checks on torques/things that come loose?


So assuming no damage, will do it back up and treat myself to a pre oil change blat.


Thanks again for your advise and kind offers *thumbup* *thumbup*


Hmm, I've not heard of one coming loose *eek*, I guess do it up and see what it sounds like, if there's any rumbling then the bearing needs changing




Certainly shouldn't come loose *eek*.


I would suggest, if tightening it up has sorted out the play you detected, that you replace the nut ASAP. They cost a couple of squid from CC and it should give you peace of mind that it won't come undone again.


Either someone didn't tighten it up properly or they re-used the nut too often.



Not forgetting Percy the Polar Bear


Bloody hell Mark, Do you wait for me to start typing and then speed type or what *tongue* 😬



Not forgetting Percy the Polar Bear


Had no idea it was loose before now. No grumbling from wheel, it was an intermittant squeel that made me look as I figured it was brake related. Guess the whole lot being loose was letting a pad drag or something that was giving me that noise?


Anyway will tighten up and invest in a new nut.


  • 1 year later...

Which way round do the bearing seals go?

Is it flat face outwards?


Only dead fish go with the flow....!


Edited by - CageyH on 28 Dec 2007 16:27:57

  • Area Representative

I've had one come loose as well!

Again, mines been fine since I tightened it up again (about 18 months ago).

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