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I am sure I am not alone in having thoroughly enjoyed this article, and I will shortly be investing in a dial gauge to go through the procedure outlined therein.

Just to make sure I have understood, is it a good starting point to have the lower wishbones and the track rods;


a)parallel to eachother, and



Best Regards,






but having read the article I went straight out and fitted 6mm shims under both mounting points (considered doing just one but that would have been silly).

Car has never handled so well,



p.s. - sorry can't help as the article is at work at the moment

  • Area Representative


fitting 6mm of spacer may make it worse than it was to start with!

I measured our car (2002 narrow track) a few months ago, and found that it was not too bad to start with, but 1.5mm spacers offer a small improvement.

On our car, 6mm is definately worse!

Going through the process of measurement before and after any change is important!


After you fitted your 6mm of packing, did you adjust the tracking? It may be that "Car has never handled so well," because of a change of toe!




ONLY JOKING. though using that amount of packing would mean less stress on column UJ than it is now seeing (having had to rotate rack to get clearance past dry 5-port sump pump).


If I were to start "ramming" packing in then I would do it in the controlled manner as described in the LF article. I've been off the road at speed once and don't really want to repeat the experience.



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