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  • Area Representative

Anyone got one that they no longer want?

Or recomendations of cheap and cheerful ones?

Anyone use the Jill Judd one?


Or anyone not need one for a short while - until a garage is available... (I'm on a waiting list ATM)



Celerior quam currus festinans...


Try Halfords. I got a cheapy one in France at Point Vert, which seemed to be a french HF type place, for about 30 euros. Keeps the weather out, just doesn't look too pretty.







FH54WLX - only the car supports ManU, honest!


see here - UPDATED


I bought one from Redline for £100.

Not cheap, but fits well. It's a cover systems one.

Has been put to good use, as my car is under a tree for the next three months when parked up.

  • Support Team

Got one from halfords for about £40 - they do several sizes and I just got the smallest. It is not a tailored fit but for occasional use does the job well. It doesn't pack down as small as the JJ one but I have used it when going away for weekends including trackdays and it doesn't take up a massive amount of space.


Yellow SL *cool* #32


GJT - I have a "Halfords" breathable cover that saw my 7 through last winter. You could borrow it for a couple of months if that's any help? Just cover postage? *smile*


Mango Orange Supersport 1600- It just looks DENTED! *mad*


Edited by - Ash Bailey on 19 Jun 2006 20:14:08

  • Area Representative

Thanks for the help and hints -

Halfaords - I must get some vouchers! under 4m car cover is on offer and is now £19.99 which is a bit of a bargain and even cheaper with the L7C discount. I will be able to afford something else too.



Celerior quam currus festinans...

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