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Had the HGF late last year & just putting everything back together & still got some residue in the header.

1/. Is it ok just left in there or

2/. What is best way of getting residue off sides & flushing it through.


My header bottle is the square shaped one.


Thanks Fergie *cool*


Is this hard residue?


Scaley deposits?


There was a thread or two about this around 18 months ago.


I must say that I tried all of the options suggested (various chemicals, filling the bottle with stones/nuts&bolts and shaking for hours on end etc.)


In the end, I gave up. It's still there - doing no harm whatsoever if the current coolant can't budge it...


Project Scope-Creep is live...


Alcester Racing 7's Equipe - 🙆🏻




I got fed with thinking the head gasket had gone, everytime I took the bonnet off, and seeing gunge in the bottle. I used one of those bendy bottle brushes to clean mine. Worked a treat.




Still Shaking


6 speed 1600k Supersport



Take off the header tank.


Plug the hose holes


Fill with hot water and some detergent or a dishwasher tablet and a handful of ball bearings or washers or ,m6/m8 nuts.


Fit the cap


Shake vigorously for around 15 minutes in various different postions.


drain the contents.


voila, cleanest clean you've ever been.


works every time.



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