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Numpty time: OK, so I've never used one of these things before and last night I attempted to top up the propshaft UJs with a lever-type gun. Problem is that the grease goes everywhere but through the nipple (just oozes out around entrance to nipple). The nipple is brand new and the ball bearing is free. The attachment on the end of the flexi hose pushes onto the nipple and is then free to 'swivel' - is there another level of engagement or are you just meant to hold the attachment firmly and squarely on the nipple with one hand while pumping away with t'other? Thanks *biggrin*
Sounds like you have the wrong end on your gun for the nipple (ooh err). I tried filling mine at a mates house (was fitting replacement prop) and it did the same. Got home and used mine...no problems. Try local auto place for smaller end.
thanks - pretty sure there is only one size of connector (from a quick browse on the web) and have just ordered what looks like a more heavy-duty version, so will see if that works....


My Draper grease gun comes with 2, 9mm and 4mm sized holes, and I have used both in the course of my rebuild, together with the very handy needle that you can shove into the steering rack gaiter rather than dismantle it.


Cost about £20




The end has to be absolutely square on the nipple or it will ouse out and go everywhere except where you want it to go. Three months of greasing farm machinery every morning 20 years ago taught me how to do it properly

Ferrino, i think the problem is not the size of the nipple more the size of the outside diameter of the fitting on the gun, if the outside diameter is too big it fouls the yolks on the prop and the fitting does not push onto the grease nipple far enough to get a seal and thus the grease pumps out around the nipple. ☹️

I had this problem with my grease gun a draper one with a standard fitting. I mentioned this to a guy at work and he gave me a pump up/ plunger type of grease gun that was his fathers and about 50 years old, when i cleaned the old grease out, the leather washer was still in perfect condition, i refilled with grease and it worked a treat on my prop




Edited by - blade_runner on 13 Jun 2006 22:54:02

Thanks - there was no problem with the size of the fitting fouling on anything, it just would not seal over the nipple properly. So I bought a better version of the connector on EBAY for a couple of quid and that works perfectly - the 4 little jaws are arranged slightly differently.

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