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I bought a box of 200 pairs of 3M 1120 disposables from Greenhams. They arrived next day. The 1100 model are the normal ones - the 1120 are designed for smaller ear canals which works for me and my wife but wasn't much good for a colleague who rides a motorbike.


Yellow SL *cool* #32


if youve never tried have ones molded especially for your ears i highly recommend it. used to used disposable ones all the time on my motorbike and could not believe the difference when i had some specially made. they cost around £30 and are well worth it.

had mine made by www.greenleopard.co.uk they come to your home and deliver back to you in a few days.




try here


I have been known to use them in the 7.


We use these and you can get a handy dispensor for them.


Are these for work use ?




p.s. - can send you a few samples if you like

  • Leadership Team

Dave - how many pairs do you need? Are you looking for something in the region of 20 pairs or more like 200? If it's not a rediculous amount i can probably send you some.





I've used the E.A.R. SOFT plugs for a couple of years now and they are very comfortable, even on all day runs. They work well and at a rated reduction of 36 db should certainly bring sound levels for Caterhams down to a safe , and comfortable level, they also have the bonus of cutting out all the little noises and let you listen to the engine properly.


Only reservation I have is that I still get a lot of wind noise particularly with the Brooklands on. So am going to go for some Green leopards this year.


Paul M

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